I am not selling skincare I am sharing Rodan and Fields

Most of you read this Blog because I started it with the purpose of writing about my children as they grow. The trouble is that they grow so fast it’s impossible to keep up unless you are using faster methods of communication like Facebook and Twitter, so that is the route I have chosen. All that being said I have still used this blog as a forum to announce some major things happening in our life. One of those recent major things is the fact that Emily and I are now Independent Consultants with Rodan and Fields and it has been nothing short of amazing. If you have never heard of them , you may recognize the fact that they are these doctors are the creators of Proactiv , the worlds leading anti-acne treatment. We are marketing the products of their next business venture. We also started a blog about this journey here.

If you know me you may be scratching your head about the fact that I am an Independent Consultant with Rodan and Fields . You may say to yourself “what the heck is Sean doing selling skincare”.

Allow me to explain. I NEVER in a million years thought I would be doing this right now- To be clear- I do not sell skincare- I sell a way of truly changing your financial future, the best skin of your life is simply a byproduct. This company and opportunity is changing people’s lives including mine in so many ways.

I still AM the biggest skeptic there is about direct selling and network marketing companies. The truth about many of those companies,  is that most are a waste of time and benefit very few. The doctors who created Proactiv  have staked their incredible reputation on this company and have committed to giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to create massive wealth with this award winning business model. It’s not just a few people at the top making money there a thousands of people doing exceptionally well. This is just the beginning,  In the next few years you will see a massive shift in business towards direct selling  and here are just a few reasons Rodan + Fields is at the forefront of that movement:

* No Saturation anywhere (only about 40,000 consultants actively selling)  A company that is often compared and  most of you know added 50,000 consultants last month — which one do you think has more opportunity?

* Award winning compensation plan

* Unlimited income potential

* No parties

* Product has 60 day money back guarantee

* No inventory requirements

* No deliveries

* Turnkey Virtual Business (with tax benefits)

* Very small investment requirements and overhead

* Your partners are the creators of Proactiv (the leading acne treatment in the world)

* 4th largest premium skincare company
* fastest growing skincare company 2 yrs in a row

If youre offered a seat on a rocketship

Many of you know me as co-workers or from some sort of business relationship and with that you should know that I would not be involved in any kind of nonsense company. Product marketing has changed in the last 5 years and more people buy something today because their friend recommended it than ever before, the difference is you never get paid for that free advertising. A lot of smart people on my team including teachers, doctors, lawyers and yes even dermatologists are seeing the incredible opportunity with Rodan and Fields.

This company is ready to explode, my team along with anyone else who wants to partner with us will benefit from that. This is not a get rich quick scheme, it’s a plan to condense 30 years of work into 5 years and have residual income which is not possible in corporate America.

Some people say to this opportunity “I can’t sell”  my answer is “you are not selling,  you are literally just sharing amazing success stories that have already happened”. Some people will say  “I don’t want to annoy people on facebook” My answer is “you already do” – no just kidding,  I have not found that to be the case at all, some people just keep scrolling like they do on a lot of your other posts. These products are not overnight miracles but they are pharmaceutical grade products that help thousands of people daily achieve everything from younger looking skin to relief from Rosacea and Psoriasis without having to go to a dermatologist.

The fact is just like Proactiv , everyone in the U.S will hear about Rodan and Fields in the coming years. Millions of people will end up using the products, just like Proactiv.  The company which is already at $350 million in revenue as of last year will grow into a multi-billion dollar company. The question is , will you take your piece of that or will you just watch on facebook as it happens. As a guy if you can’t see yourself doing it, I sort of get it, at least do yourself the favor of putting this in front of your loved one so you don’t completely miss out.

You can find out more here at the blog we created specifically for this opportunity

You can also email us:  emilyredefined  at  gmail.com  (I left out the @ symbol to prevent spam)

What makes a good dad?

Have you ever wondered what makes a someone a good dad? Ever wondered what makes someone a bad father? I may not know for sure how someone becomes either but I do know that it’s fairly obvious to see. There must be certain things that a dad does or qualities that one possesses that separate the men from the boys so to speak.

Good Dad wanted, pay is low but fringe benefits high.

Good Dad wanted, pay is low but fringe benefits high.

If there was a job opening and you were interviewing for the position of dad what would you be looking for? How would you tell the good from the bad? Could you tell? In case you are looking to fill a dad position anytime soon you may want to keep the below list in mind:

1. Must be willing to forgo a decent night sleep for several years.

2. If not willing to forgo sleep, must at least be willing to accept a kick to head by a toddler who is now sleeping in your bed.

3. Snot, puke and poop are all required to be handled at various times- sometimes all at once.snot

4. You need not apply if you are adverse to communicable diseases. Snot, puke and poop all over you can not simply be washed away, forget it, you are doomed.

hand_sanitizer5. Applicant must not find the need to question why a toddler wants a sandwich cut into quarters and then when you do, they get pissed because they actually wanted halves.

6. Dad must be agreeable to no less than two bedtime stories. These stories must be the longest, most annoying stories and completely devoid of anything interesting. The good ones must remain on the shelf at all costs.

7. Dinners out of the home are required to have good behavior by the kids for 90% of the time and then when you are packing up to leave world war 3 must begin. This causes the patrons around you to revoke their comments about how well behaved your children are and has them thanking jesus that you are leaving. Oh, and right before you walk out your youngest MUST crap their pants.

8. Must be willing to answer the same question at least 15 times per day without losing what little sanity he has remaining.

No? How about now?

No? How about now?

9. Basic child hair management is a must especially for girls. A class would be helpful but since I have yet to find one simple experimentation is the only way to achieve success. Once you have mastered the simple ponytail she will no longer want that as a style and demand the style you are worst at.

10. “I’ll do it myself!” is not only a phrase but a way of life- Accept it and embrace it.

This list could easily be fifty items long but in the interest of keeping the candidates moving through we will limit it to ten.

The gig as a dad while long term will change over time, the toddler will turn into a teenager , the teen into an adult. It won’t be too long before the little one who loves to snuggle up and read will no longer want to even be seen within 50 feet of you. The tender moments and nuzzles  will be replaced by death stares. The crazy dinners will be replaced by total silence due to the fact that your teenager would rather be anywhere but the table with you. The bedtime stories long silent, the books dusty. The communicable disease will still be around.The sleepless nights will be back but for different reasons than in years past and you must know, that part may never end.

It takes a strong man to be a good dad. Bulletproof, thick skin is required. The pain and guilt you may suffer will only be outweighed by the pride, admiration and love you will feel.The potential dad must also realize that above all else, love, is the currency that is exchanged in this relationship with your child. Unconditional love given from child to dad make all of the above not only tolerable but joyous even at their worst.

The good news is, even if you didn’t think you could do it in the beginning, you can get better. Every day is a new chance to start over, to be a better dad, to forget about yesterday or better yet, to remember it.  If you’re a dad ask yourself, would you hire you?

This post is dedicated to to my dad on his 76th birthday- He was willing to do all of the above and has in turn showed me something that could never be paid for, how to be a good father. Thanks dad, you are an inspiration and a role model to anyone who has ever known you.

The legend, with my 3 kids

The legend, with my 3 kids